For this voter, Tuesday night was a gut punch. No, a punch to the middle followed by a two- handed wham up the jaw. Not only did Donald Trump become President; but also, Republicans got control of every branch of government!
It’s the stuff of nightmares for this card-carrying Democratic member of the coastal elite. I think Trump is dangerous, as only a demagogue can be; but I fear that Republican control of government might be worse.
Certainly, the liberal commentariat sees the conjuncture as a marriage made in hell. Paul Waldman puts the case (or see Ed Kilgore):
“What [voters] may not have realized is that when they bought Trump, they’ll be getting the GOP and its agenda as part of the deal … And if they think Trump will put the brakes on it … the most important thing to understand about Donald Trump when it comes to policy is, he just doesn’t care. His ignorance is matched by his indifference… [he] will allow Republicans to go hog-wild on legislation.”
To summarize the emerging consensus—or give voice to the welling frisson of horror on the Left—Trump will let the Ayn Rand / Paul Ryan / Grover Norqist Republicans run riot, shredding the social safety net and giving away the store to their donor class.
Certainly plausible, and among the reasons I didn’t get much sleep Tuesday night.
But tell me, what’s wrong with this picture: Donald Trump—the Donald Trump, narcissist extraordinaire and dominator nonpareil, unsupported and even stiffed by the Republican Establishment while the election hung on a thread—yes, that Donald Trump—rolls over for the likes of Paul Ryan? Is that your image: “yeah whatever,” as he signs the bill without ceremony and goes back to raging on Twitter? No thought to what that bill might do to his image; no concern about whether it wins or loses him favor?
Hmmm. No dominance games? No art of the deal? No flamboyant showboating, as he throws the initial bill back in Ryan’s lap and shouts, “You have to do better. Or you’re fired!”
No publicly roasting Ryan about how he’s giving away the store to big city moneybags, while nudging up taxes on that Trump voter in Badger, Wisconsin? No grandstanding about how Trump got more for the little guy than the big shots like Ryan wanted to give?
Which scene do you think the Donald would rather play: Lapdog or enfant terrible? Your answer depends on how much (low) cunning you’re willing to allot to the Donald.
You didn’t underestimate Trump before or anything, did you?
If I’m correct, then rather quickly after January 20th, Mr. Trump and Mr. Ryan and Mr. McConnell will be at loggerheads, as the struggle for alpha male begins.
We defeated liberals can only hope, and perhaps, blow on the sparks.
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