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Category: Science

How to keep up with ancient DNA research—or any other hot scientific topic of personal interest

The presumption of this post is that you are a well-educated person, but an amateur in the scientific field of interest. That would be me in the case of ancient DNA, and what it tells me about my ancestors narrowly, and human history generally. I’ll assume you have read David…

I lost 26 pounds

… now does that sound like a scam headline or what?  All it needs is the obligatory, “using this one weird trick.” But I did not use any trick.  I followed a procedure that required some discipline. And I may have benefited from a specific physiology consequent to my ethnicity.…

Climate Change and the Nature of Scientific Certainty, Part III

[Please read Part I of this post first] Part III: What now of Popper? Maybe, Popper was a philosophical dead end. Maybe, falsifiability was never central or important for demarcating science.  Might falsifiability have been naught but its own bold conjecture, since superseded? For those who follow Popper, scientists should never…

Climate Change and the Nature of Scientific Certainty, Part II

[Please read Part I of this post first] Part II: The Science of Climate Change From this point, it becomes too vague to refer to “climate change.” There are several knowledge claims at issue, and the availability of evidence, and the caliber of this evidence, differs across claims. For instance, there’s…