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Author: Edblogger

What Hillary Won

This weekend, in an understandable bit of schadenfreude, a front page article in the  Wall Street Journal noted, “Republican America is now so vast that a traveler could drive 3,600 miles across the continent, from Key West, Fla., to the Canadian border crossing at Porthill, Idaho, without ever leaving a state…

The Joy at Age 63 of Throwing in with the Opposition

I search for silver linings after the election of Trump.  If you’d prefer to rend your garments and wail piteously, read no further. I voted for Hillary Clinton.  One misgiving was the prospect of defending her—defending my Democratic party—against the unceasing invective sure to follow her election, invective trained and…

White Working Class Explains Clinton’s Loss?  Give Me a Break!

Hillary Clinton’s unexpected loss to Donald Trump demands explanation, in the way nature abhors a vacuum.  The pundit class rushes to fill the void. An explanation preferred by some—especially among older white male columnists: she lost “the white working class.” Before that gambit freezes into conventional wisdom, let’s take it…